The Windows 7 Launch Party

I meant to put this together weeks ago, but I guess things got in the way.  But Windows 7 is released only once in a lifetime, so I couldn't just forget about it. Earlier this month @shinyhat threw a Microsoft sanctioned Windows 7 launch party and he invited me along for the ride.  It had all of the stuff that Microsoft sent him.  Posters, streamers, playing cards, poker chips, a puzzle, and even a Microsoft trivia game.

It was just as Windowstastic as I could ever expect.  From the logo colored front windows to the custom "7" on the wall the guy really went all out.  We even had 7-layer dip.

It was mostly a group of Apple fans there, so we discussed failed Zune installs, Windows blue screens, and other typical Microsoft faire.  Best Windows party ever.

Some day you can tell your kids you knew someone who went to a real Windows 7 launch party.  Note the cameo by @programmerman as well.  Enjoy.

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