iPhone Apps
Just as a quick information dump, with regards to real apps (not jailbreak utils for the console) here's what I have on my iPhone so far:
* SBSettings\ * Winterboard\ * Backgrounder\ * IntelliScreen\ * Supreme Settings
* Facebook\ * MySpace\ * Last.FM\ * Pandora\ * Twitterific\ * Tweety\ * NetNewsWire\ * Colloquy\ * Yelp\ * Urban Spoon\ * Wiki Mobile\ * Shazam\ * MCleaner\ * Simplify Media\ * Evernote\ * Cydia
* iBurn\ * Lightsaber\ * NES Emu\ * Tap Tap Revenge\ * Bowl Lite\ * iSteam\ * Bubble Wrap\ * That's What She Said\ * Zippo Lighter