Hello from Chicago
I dragged Cassie (well actually she drove most of the way) to Chicago this week. Been here since Tuesday night, and it's really nice to see the city again.
It is a little eye opening though. Living here for so long, then going elsewhere, and then coming back.
All the odd looks and questions when I say I really do like Omaha, and i'm not just saying that to back myself up in the move. All the logistics to do things and meet up with people.
I haven't used the CTA much at all, really ever. A little here and there to go from place A to place B, but I pretty much drove myself everywhere. I don't have a car here now, and I feel pretty stupid when Cassie gives me a look like "shouldn't you know this stuff?" But I don't. I'm not a CTA user. I know how it works, I know how to get to simple point to point things if I plan out the line ahead of time, but that's about it. So this trip is certainly overshadowed by her thinking i'm an idiot and I think she'd have more fun if I wasn't here. That really bums me out to know you're holding someone back. Especially when you thought you were doing something nice. It sucks to to feel not good enough.
On a side note, my friend Corinne just moved to Chicago. Go to her web site. Follow her on Twitter, become her new Chicago friend. She's fun. Link = Krin!